The success and quality of Fidifarm’s business operations is also reflected in the well-known products integrated under the Dietpharm common brand name. Continuing on the tradition of our past activities, we continue to create unique, innovative products that, above all, help to preserve health and are aimed at prevention. We provide the users with the opportunity to create their own knowledge and awareness of health and thus support a responsible and conscious lifestyle and personal care for health. Fidifarm strives for excellence in all business segments, so understanding quality in Fidifarm involves applying a quality management system in all business activities and in all organizational units. For us, quality is an integral part of the entire product life span from the product creation to shelving.
At the same time, as a basic commitment, the notion of quality integrates good manufacturing practice and product health safety in accordance with the HACCP system. In order to achieve all our goals, in addition to HACCP and DPP, we have implemented the highest standards of process management ISO 9001 and ISO 14000.
We continuously and comprehensively conduct risk analysis by identifying and implementing all necessary preventive measures in order to reduce the risk in the overall business.
Through our work and commitment, we want to create added value for our partners, suppliers, customers and consumers. We want to continuously develop and maintain long-term relationships with partners and consumers by offering them unique products that seek to respond to today’s health requirements in a timely manner. Achieving the goals of this policy, customer satisfaction with our products and services is an obligation of all employees and a true measure of the quality and success of our business.
Following the long process of creating a product, you will hold a tablet, capsule, or other form of product in your hand, apparently equivalent to millions of others. But how will you know which one is really better? Quality is not a question of prestige or current inspiration for us. Because these are the products that you bring into your body that have a direct impact on maintaining your health.
Therefore, you must be absolutely sure about the quality of the products you use, Dietpharm guarantees you: