Throughout the years of our existence, we have been creating a program of products that helps preserve health, prevent and treat diseases. As a precondition for achieving high business targets, we have established a value system that guides us – expertise and professionalism. We are constantly developing and adopting new knowledge and skills because we are fully aware that our strength lies in the knowledge and skills of each of our employees. We also develop open communication and quality teamwork that takes us forward. The success and quality of Fidifarm’s business operations is also reflected in the well-known products integrated under the Dietpharm common brand name.
Fidifarm is today a company with almost 50 employees, half of whom are highly educated professionals. The average age of employees is 37 years. Besides the company’s management board, management and logistics, an expert team of pharmacists, physicians and other specialists is especially important for our business. With an ideal blend of experience and youth and state-of-the-art technology, a solid foundation has been laid for the research, development and production of top quality products that we use to attempt to respond to the today ‘s health requirements. You will find our products exclusively on the shelves of pharmacies and herbal pharmacies, where they are properly stored and where you can always get a piece of advice and instructions from a professional. We are proud to mention that we were the first to educate users through educational radio shows and telephone counseling. Contact us with confidence, our physicians and pharmacists are always available to talk to you. With their knowledge and years of experience, they will give you a reliable piece of advice on all health issues. Our information does not contain inaccurate information or promises of miraculous actions. They are like our products based on science and tradition and as such are true, accurate and complete.